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447 Broadway 2nd FL #231 New York, NY 10013
631 720 3646 or +90 532 400 8888

We are basically a startup that is founded by Gayrimenkul Yatirim Danismanligi. Our founder is a realtor from Türkiye İSTANBUL. We love both İstanbul and New York. We are basically open to any kind of help or solution partners on helping banking. We started this journey when we were 21 years old. Made a meeting with all major banks in our local territory and couldn't get any cash for that time in order expand our vision and put in work. Now still we are ... But we are still on it and trying to set it. So in case of co operating with us send us e mail or just call us. We love to here from people who are believing in future with a big hope.

Have a great life.

Gayrimenkul Yatırım Danışmanlığı 7/24 Açık! 0532 400 8888

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